HK’s Favourite Corporate Gifts Company
Give the best to your clients and show you appreciate their business. GiftU is the leading corporate and promotional gifts company in Hong Kong, providing only the best for businesses across the city. We provide a diversified and innovative range, delivering premium gift solutions for conferences, product launches, corporate gift baskets and more.
Our range can be customised to your precise specifications, provided in your preferred colour and carrying your unique logo. Whether for your business as a whole or to support a specific product or campaign, we can ensure that you’ve got useful gifts with memorable branding that customers will love to use. Increase the profile, exposure and value of your brand with our comprehensive range of gift solutions. With a strong reputation for quality amongst some of the city’s most respected organisations, know that you’re in safe hands when you choose GiftU.
Turn key solutions for your business
Our amazing gift ideas and professional service set us apart from your standard gift and souvenir company. We offer an exceptional range of products including accessories for computers and mobile devices, outdoor gear, homewares and more, giving you real choice in how to treat your customers or colleagues. Our team of consultants and experts provide a one-stop professional service, helping you with everything from gift planning to logistics to ensure that the needs and budget of every client are met.
Place your order today
Buy gifts from one of the best in the business. At GiftU, we know what it takes to make a great impression on your customers, so start a conversation with our staff today and let us help you find the right product presented in the right way for you.
Make an enquiry about a specific item from its product page, or get in touch with our Hong Kong branch on (852) 2317 7523 or via email at [email protected].
Market News
GiftU為您精心挑選了獨特吸睛的新春企業熱門娛樂禮品 -環保麻將 新春企業賀年禮品之選 ESG環保麻將, 採用最高品質的可回收材料製成,環保又時尚。客製化設計,印上您的企業LOGO和獨特圖案, 打造獨一無二的企業禮品。 奢華與永續性完美結合,這不僅是麻將,更是對環保和永續發展的堅定承諾。與GiftU攜手,提升企業社會責任,迎接可持續禮..
變形金剛起源於塞伯坦星球,是超級機械生命體。主要分為博派(Autobots)與狂派 (Decepticons) 兩大派系。博派是系列中的好人陣營,他們捍衛生命的價值觀並追求和平。代表人物包括柯博文(Optimus Prime)和大黃蜂(Bumblebee)。狂派是系列中的壞人陣營,他們追求絕對權力和宇宙統治,不擇手段。代表人物有密卡登(Megatron)和天..
我們為黃大仙中心 - 青花.印記訂製了四款限量青花瓷杯墊,由藝術家許開嬌精心創作。展現了黃大仙社區的獨特風貌,融合了香港地道文化,為您帶來別出心裁的驚喜。這四款限量青花瓷杯墊分別呈現了黃大仙祈福文化、黃大仙祠廟、以及港式茶樓的「一盅兩件」。通過將黃大仙社區的特色元素與元、明、清三個朝代的青花瓷圖案相結合,呈現出新舊文化的交融之美。讓您共同體驗千年瑰寶青花瓷的..