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  • Metal touch pen with crystal for smartphone - Pokka Cafe

Metal touch pen with crystal for smartphone - Pokka Cafe

  • Name:

    Metal touch pen with crystal for smartphone - Pokka Cafe

  • Model: MMP-MPA-1029
  • Description:

    Pokka 集團致力經營優質之餐飲服務 , 在香港飲食業佔一重要席次 , 更是日式餐廳之表表者 為慶祝新店Pokka Cafe開張 , Pokka 找我們生產一款水晶SmartPhone專用手寫 / 觸控筆 , 以答謝客戶支持 !

URL : metal-touch-pen-with-crystal-for-iphone-ipad-rough.html
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Tags: metal pen, ball pen, stationery, touch, stylus, funcion, smartphone, multi, executive